Tech Support
Tech Support

Outsourced Technical Support Services

Build customer value.

Your technology connects people and makes them productive. When it is down, or people have a hard time understanding or using it, your value to your customer suffers.

Choose a professional partner who understands the urgency of uptime and usability.

Savi provides seasoned, scalable, and seamless technology support to keep your customers and employees connected and productive.

Savi has you covered.

Do you need short-term technology migrations or ongoing tech support?

We’re as invested as you in helping customers and users gain value from your technology.
Connection matters.

App Consumers
App Users
Internal Employees

Get tech support on all tiers.


We build knowledge bases and customer-facing portals for self-service and deploy automated technologies like AI chatbots to solve frequent issues.


We answer common questions that make up most of your call volume, and provide swift service to get users and employees back in business quickly and efficiently.


Specific Product Support, Complex
Inquiry Management. Specially trained Agents tackle the most
difficult issues.


Advanced Product Knowledge & Case Management. Our Agents clear case backlogs and provide research and in-depth support to resolve thorny user problems.

Get the human touch.

We help users achieve the promised value from technology.

Helping people quickly navigate complex issues with clarity and compassion is our wheelhouse. Self-service and automated service are valuable tech-support strategies, and we can help you deploy and optimize them so that users are getting support in the channel of their choice.

But there comes a time when only a human can help.

We help get users back online, back to being productive with their apps, and back to using your product as intended.

Here’s how we help:

  • Ongoing tech support/help desk: We provide full coverage to support your user base, or use us to augment your internal team.
  • Product upgrades/rollouts: We support your technology changes to ensure a positive customer/employee experience to keep everyone productive.
  • Advanced analytics: Savi can help you ID frequently occurring issues and manage support in the most cost-effective tier of service.
  • Experience with remote team management: The pandemic caught many companies with in-house teams flat-footed. Since our inception, Savi has been managing remote teams, and we have the tools, processes, and people in place to deliver support using an entirely remote workforce.

Case Studies.

We are committed to connecting your users with your technology – here are some companies that rely on us to deliver tech support with an human experience:

Multiple Internet
Service Providers rely on Savi to help customers maintain their Internet access, including remote troubleshooting and resolution, password reset, and account management.

Corporate teams call on Savi to assist end-users during product rollouts and upgrades, ensuring continuity of service for critical apps and technologies. Outsourcing this function enables our clients to focus on their core business.

App and platform
developers count on Savi to provide end-user help desk services, both as a fully outsourced solution and augmenting their internal teams. We build user confidence in their products by delivering critical service at the end user’s point of need.


Transform your contact center

Is your contact center transaction-centric or relationship-centric?

You’re not imagining it: your contact center interactions have become more complex.

Learn the reasons driving this change, and how to position your business to create a more effective customer connection.

  • Omnichannel technology’s role
  • AI and self-service impact
  • How to refocus on customer-centricity
  • Evaluate your contact center with a self-assessment tool
transform your contact center thumbnail

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