Markets we serve
Markets we serve

Build trust in every market.

Your contact center is the critical point of connection with your citizens, customers, and members. With increasing call complexity, it’s more important than ever to work with a partner that can help you build trust one interaction at a time.

Whether you are delivering government programs and services or building customer equity in a commercial business, we work with you to create solutions that help you deliver on your promises.

Caring is a calling. Together we can elevate the human connection.

We combine human interaction with omnichannel technology and performance metrics to ensure success. It’s part of Savi’s 360-degree approach. Enhance your reputation, accelerate growth, and keep your promises to citizens and customers. Let us help you deliver a great customer experience.

We understand your needs, from every-day to big picture
We hire the right people with a culture that matches your company
We instill a passion for quality and continuous improvement
We continuously deliver new solutions to meet your goals
We measure every aspect of your program to refine performance
We earn your trust everyday with new ideas and transparent process

Markets we serve.

State Government
Savi Agents represent your agency and treat your citizens with respect and professionalism with each interaction.

We constantly innovate new ways to go the extra mile for you, day after day, month after month.
State benefits programs are vital. We have the experience needed to help your citizens navigate Unemployment Insurance, Paid Family Medical Leave, State-based Marketplaces, Medicaid, Medicare, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and more.

We specialize in human-centered government.
Federal Government
Personal service isn’t just for theprivate sector.

Create excellent call center experiences for citizens that build trust in your agency.
We pair empathy, expertise, and technology with performance metrics to promote positive customer experiences with core government services. As a HUBZone and Woman Owned Business partner, we help you meet diversity goals.

Choose Savi to prime your program or as a trusted subcontract partner.
Insurance & Finance Solutions

Extend the value of digital transformation by building meaningful human connections. We manage complex interactions on member service benefits, eligibility and enrollment, and billing with ease to help you earn trust and build brand loyalty .

Savi combines omnichannel technology and streamlined processes with expert human interaction to elevate the contact center experience for members
and customers.
Commercial Business Solutions
Successful companies have incredible partners.

We work with customer-centric, fast-growing companies to help them create exceptional customer experiences. Partner with Savi for omnichannel solutions that meet your customers where and when they want, performance metrics that matter, and a spotlight on the human connection to transform your business.

Focus on your core business and partner with a contact center expert – at Savi, we treat your customer as our own.

Markets We Serve FAQ

Question #1: What are the benefits of outsourcing contact center solutions for state governments?

Outsourcing contact center solutions offers state governments multiple benefits, such as improving citizen satisfaction through enhanced customer service and efficiently addressing inquiries. It’s a cost-effective approach that saves on infrastructure and overhead while providing access to specialized expertise and advanced omnichannel technologies for seamless communication across various platforms. Outsourced solutions offer scalability to handle fluctuating demands and improve operational efficiency with faster response times. Additionally, they enable government agencies to concentrate on their core functions, provide inclusive services to a diverse populace, ensure adherence to data security and compliance standards, and continuously enhance service quality through access to sophisticated analytics and feedback mechanisms. This strategic approach optimizes resource allocation and reinforces citizen trust and satisfaction in government services.

Question #2: How does outsourcing contact centers impact state government service delivery?

Outsourcing contact centers can profoundly enhance state government service delivery by providing superior service quality, advanced technological solutions, and specialized expertise. It introduces a cost-effective model that reduces the need for extensive infrastructure, streamlining service delivery with quicker response times and precise information dissemination. Scalability ensures adaptability to varying demand levels, particularly during peak or emergency times. Outsourcing allows government entities to concentrate on their primary duties, enhancing overall efficiency and effectiveness in public service. Moreover, it supports continuous improvement in customer interaction through access to advanced analytics and feedback mechanisms, ensuring services are tailored to a diverse populace with varied needs. This approach optimizes resource utilization and elevates public satisfaction and trust in government services by offering a more personalized and responsive experience, all while adhering to strict compliance and security standards.

Question #3: How do outsourced contact centers ensure compliance with state regulations?

Outsourced contact centers maintain compliance with state regulations through a comprehensive approach that includes stringent adherence to legal standards, continuous training on state laws, and specialized services tailored to government needs. They employ advanced technology solutions with features that ensure data protection and compliance monitoring alongside rigorous quality control processes to audit and oversee operations. Ensuring data security and privacy is paramount, so we safeguard sensitive information in line with state requirements. These centers are customized to meet specific regulatory demands, ensuring that every aspect of their service aligns with state laws. Continuous feedback loops and collaboration with government entities enable these outsourced centers to stay updated with regulatory changes and adapt their practices accordingly. This commitment to compliance enhances the reliability and trustworthiness of government customer service and ensures that the services provided meet the highest standards of legality and ethics.

Question #4: What are the cost implications of outsourcing contact centers for state governments?

Outsourcing contact centers can lead to significant cost benefits for state governments by reducing infrastructure and operational expenses, as governments can bypass the costs associated with establishing and maintaining in-house call centers. It allows for more efficient allocation of financial resources, diverting funds from in-house operations to other vital services. Outsourced centers provide access to the latest technologies without the hefty investment in acquisition and maintenance. They offer scalability, meaning states pay only for the services they need, enhancing budget control. Outsourcing also cuts costs associated with training and employing a full-time staff, as providers handle these aspects. Enhanced efficiency and service quality from outsourced centers can lead to indirect cost savings by minimizing errors and inefficiencies. Additionally, outsourcing can reduce financial risks and liabilities for the state. While it may appear as an added expense, outsourcing can offer substantial cost advantages by streamlining operations and leveraging external expertise and technology.

Question #5: How do technology and automation play a role in outsourced contact centers for state governments?

Technology and automation are crucial in boosting efficiency and service quality in outsourced contact centers for state governments. Automation, including tools like Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and chatbots, offloads routine tasks from human agents, enabling them to focus on more complex inquiries. This integration of state-of-the-art technology allows for omnichannel communication, ensuring citizens can reach out through various platforms. Advanced data management and analytics offer deep insights into customer interactions, refining service strategies. Automation enhances cost-efficiency by reducing labor demands while maintaining service standards. It ensures consistency in responses, providing reliable customer service. Technologies such as CRM systems elevate the customer experience with personalized service. They offer scalability, adapt to fluctuating demands, and assist in training through e-learning platforms and simulation tools. Moreover, features like text-to-speech and language translation promote accessibility and inclusivity. Overall, technology and automation streamline operations, improve accuracy, and contribute significantly to enhancing the customer service experience in government contact centers.

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