State Government
State Government

Call Center For Government Agencies

Ready to serve!

The stakes for choosing the right partner are high.

Your contact center is the most important point of connection for delivering on your mission to serve your citizens.

At Savi, we have experience with the complex human interactions required for state government programs.

We are a trusted partner in helping citizens access your promised benefits and services now and in the future.

We enable human-centered government.

How to elevate your experience.



How does your agency want to impact lives? We design every experience to put your citizens first: omnichannel technologies that enhance access, performance metrics to improve efficiencies, and a partnership that continuously surfaces new process improvements.



We uncover and eliminate barriers between your citizens and your programs by designing processes that streamline interactions. The Savi team continually discovers new efficiencies and improvements to enhance your fiscal stewardship.



We hire Agents who find meaning in helping others. We understand the frustrations of navigating complex programs and services, and we lead with empathy for every connection. This helps us enhance your agency’s reputation by turning issues into positive, meaningful, and helpful interactions.


“Everyone was so helpful and empathetic. I couldn’t believe the Agents were so nice! It made me so proud of our world!”

– A state citizen applying for paid family medical leave benefits, about their interaction with a SaviLinx Agent.


A different contact center partner.

Bigger is not always better. If you want a different kind of contact center partner – one that is known for its exceptional customer experience, high-quality performance, flexibility, and efficiencies – look no further than SaviLinx. We have the experience to deliver top results and focus on your current and future needs.

Ways Savi can help:

  • Medicaid Redetermination
  • Eligibility and enrollment/application assistance for Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, Paid Family Medical Leave
  • Benefit program launch, including technology selection and deployment
  • Leave, unemployment, absence, and other benefit programs
  • Claims support: Status, adjudication, escalation, confirmation
  • Appointment-setting and referral management
  • Customer service for licenses, renewals, benefit, and program information, forms assistance
  • Document processing/data entry, eligibility operations management and support
  • Knowledge management and article creation

Bring your mission to life.

The contact center’s role is more critical than ever in communicating with your citizens. It is the point of human connection – and it is where your agency’s mission comes to life.

All human interactions are critical by the time they reach the contact center. Citizens are often frustrated, face a mountain of information from various sources, and are not sure where to turn to access vital programs and services. Human connection is the key to improving citizens’ lives.

Here’s how Savi elevates your mission:

  • We keep up with policy changes. Citizens call because it is hard to absorb frequently changing information from multiple sources. Our team helps them navigate each process with ease and empathy.
  • We create easy-to-use communication tools. Our team develops knowledge base tool sets that enable agents to answer complex questions.
  • We deploy omnichannel technologies. We know when and how to add self-service and automated technologies like AI chatbots and customer-facing portals. Citizens can connect at the time and method of choice, all with a human ready to assist.
Contact Center

Omnichannel Builds Trust in Government

Savi team helps launch new state government benefit program.

More than 7 million citizens were excited for a new state program designed to provide paid benefits to support family and medical leave. The stakes were high – and high-profile. The SAVI team designed an omnichannel solution that improved the well-being of more than 100k citizens in the first year alone. Together with our state partner, we are building trust in government with human-centered service that delivers results.


Delivering positive experiences.

Your contact center is a critical conduit for citizen communications and an essential point of contact for delivering on your mission to serve your citizens. We have experience with the complex human interactions required to help citizens improve their lives for the better by accessing your promised benefits and services. Our team at Savi serves state Agencies with a combination of technology and professional, empathetic people to deliver a positive experience for your citizens. Elevated experiences build trust in your agency.

Transform your contact center

Is your contact center transaction-centric or relationship-centric?

You’re not imagining it: your contact center interactions have become more complex.

Learn the reasons driving this change, and how to position your business to create a more effective customer connection.

  • Omnichannel technology’s role
  • AI and self-service impact
  • How to refocus on customer-centricity
  • Evaluate your contact center with a self-assessment tool
transform your contact center thumbnail

State Government FAQ

Question #1: What are the primary functions of call centers for government agencies?

Call centers for government agencies are essential in establishing a direct and effective communication channel between the public and government entities. They act as citizens’ primary point of contact, addressing various inquiries and ensuring accessible, timely, and efficient information delivery. Tailored to the specific requirements of government operations, these centers integrate advanced technologies like omnichannel support and AI-driven tools to enhance service efficiency and effectiveness. They are pivotal in delivering exceptional customer service, involving proactive engagement, need assessment, and ensuring citizen satisfaction. These centers also focus on centralizing communication, managing high volumes of interactions, and providing specialized training to staff, ensuring they are equipped to handle diverse queries with competence. Continuous improvement measures are employed to elevate service quality, gather citizen feedback, and implement best practices, ultimately fostering trust and satisfaction in governmental interactions. Government call centers are instrumental in resolving citizen queries and reinforcing public confidence and satisfaction with government services.

Question #2: How do government agency call centers differ from private sector call centers?

While both types of call centers aim to provide quality customer service, government agency call centers are more focused on delivering contact center solutions for government agencies and handling a wide range of public service-related queries, emphasizing compliance, security, and broad citizen engagement. The government contact center services and solutions are specifically designed to cater to the unique requirements of public sector entities and their diverse clientele. For example, for SaviLinx’ federal government contracts a more stringent background check is performed on prospective agents.

Question #3: What critical challenges are faced by call centers serving government agencies?

Call centers serving government agencies face unique challenges distinct from those encountered by private sector centers. These challenges stem from the nature of government services, regulatory requirements, and the diverse needs of the public. Understanding these challenges is crucial for effectively providing government call center services and contact center solutions for government agencies. To address these challenges, contact center solutions for government agencies must be flexible, scalable, and secure while also being capable of providing a high level of customer service. The focus should be on integrating effective technology solutions, training staff adequately, and constantly seeking ways to improve government office customer service through innovation and proactive citizen engagement. 

Question #4: What technologies are commonly used in government agency call centers?

Government agency call centers employ various technologies to improve service efficiency and effectiveness, catering to the unique demands of public sector service delivery. Key technologies include Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems for call routing and automated responses, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software for tracking citizen interactions and data management, and omnichannel communication platforms to ensure seamless service across various contact methods. Cloud-based solutions offer scalability and support for remote operations, while AI and chatbots provide instant query responses. Workforce management software optimizes staff scheduling, and data analytics tools deliver insights for service enhancements. Security measures safeguard sensitive information, and training platforms ensure staff remains informed. Voice analytics and call recording assuring quality control. Collectively, these technologies enhance the responsiveness, efficiency, and adaptability of government call centers to meet evolving citizen needs and expectations.

Question #5: How is the performance of government call centers measured and evaluated?

Government call center performance is gauged using various metrics and evaluation methods to ensure services meet public expectations and government standards. Customer satisfaction surveys are essential, offering direct feedback on service quality. Important metrics include Average Handling Time (AHT) and First Call Resolution (FCR) in assessing efficiency and effectiveness. Analyzing call volume and patterns aids resource planning and identifying peak service times. Compliance with Service Level Agreements (SLA) indicates adherence to performance standards. Quality assurance monitoring ensures interactions meet quality benchmarks, while the error rate measures accuracy. Employee satisfaction and turnover impact service quality, as motivated staff perform better. The efficiency of technology, such as CRM and IVR systems, is also evaluated to ensure they enhance service delivery. Cost efficiency is crucial to ensure fiscal responsibility while maintaining service standards. These assessments help refine services, ensuring government call centers remain responsive and effectively serving the public.

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