Eligibility & Enrollment
Eligibility & Enrollment

Eligibility and Enrollment Services Solutions

A helping hand for complex connections

Complex benefits and insurance services require significant information from people to determine which programs they can access and what paperwork they need for enrollment. It can be tough for them to figure it all out, especially when facing challenging life events. People often need someone with the skills and empathy to untangle it for them

We have deep experience designing and executing convenient, consistent, and efficient eligibility and enrollment programs  that elevate the human connection with your members and citizens. Savi will serve as an extension of your company or agency to connect people with the vital services they need.

Fulfill your mission to deliver vital services and benefits to your members and citizens with Savi, a partner experienced in helping customers through complex processes.

How Can We Help?



Agents are trained to help people untangle the nuances and processes required for complex services like eligibility and enrollment.



Savi team members treat each customer with dignity and respect, turning frustrations into positive connections and outcomes.



Accurate data capture and entry ensure program integrity. Our strict privacy and security protocols protect sensitive personal data.

Graphic depicting technical expertise.

Streamline technology.

SaviLinx can connect seamlessly with your software and systems. We also can design and build a complete technology stack to create a convenient omnichannel experience for your customers.

Savi offers a variety of value-added services to elevate your consumer experiences, from automated technologies to knowledge bases, that streamline workflows, and improve response.

  • Enhance the customer journey with virtual AI-driven chatbots that answer frequently asked questions and direct consumers to knowledge articles or information.
  • Create content for consumers, including knowledge articles and FAQs.
  • Build self-service options that provide 24/7 support, including consumer-facing portals.Enable access to case-level details so consumers can resolve their issues independently.
Photo of laptop with team members at work.

See data in realtime.

SaviLinx regularly and rigorously monitors the performance and quality of all our contact center programs using advanced analytics.
We develop custom performance metrics dashboards to drive decision-making using our proprietary business intelligence (BI) engine called SEIMS (SaviLinx Enterprise Information Management System).

Clients can view reports, data, and statistics conveniently in an online secure web portal.

Case Studies

We’re experienced in designing, scaling, and delivering mission-critical eligibility and enrollment programs of all sizes. SaviLinx helps US military families enroll in needed healthcare and serves a successful new paid family leave program for a state agency. During the pandemic, multiple state government agencies selected Savi to meet the unprecedented demand for unemployment enrollment and assistance. We can help with:

  • Complex and time-sensitive customer interactions.
  • Adherence to strict privacy protocols.
  • Efficient processes and accurate data entry

Please take a deep dive into our case studies to learn more about Savi’s capabilities.

Picture of family roller skating.

Programs we serve.

SaviLinx works with government agencies and commercial businesses to streamline eligibility and enrollment programs. Here are some examples of the programs we can support:

  • Paid Family Medical Leave
  • State-based Marketplaces
  • Medicaid
  • Medicare
  • Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
  • Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Commercial and non-profit health insurance coverage, including open enrollment; leave/absence, and disability benefits and services.
  • Employee benefits enrollment and support.

Transform your contact center

Is your contact center transaction-centric or relationship-centric?

You’re not imagining it: your contact center interactions have become more complex.

Learn the reasons driving this change, and how to position your business to create a more effective customer connection.

  • Omnichannel technology’s role
  • AI and self-service impact
  • How to refocus on customer-centricity
  • Evaluate your contact center with a self-assessment tool
transform your contact center thumbnail

Eligibility and Enrollment Services Solutions FAQ

Question #1: What are eligibility and enrollment services solutions?

Eligibility and enrollment services solutions, often provided by specialized contact centers like SaviLinx, are essential in healthcare, insurance, and government sectors, facilitating access to various programs and benefits. These services encompass the verification of an individual’s qualifications for specific programs or benefits, followed by signing them up, which may include gathering detailed information and ensuring the accuracy and completion of necessary documentation. In industries like healthcare and insurance, these services are vital for customer support, guiding individuals through the complexities of eligibility determination and program enrollment. The process is integral to programs requiring thorough qualification assessments, such as government assistance or specialized healthcare plans. Within a call center context, these responsibilities extend to addressing inquiries, aiding in the enrollment process, informing about services, and resolving related issues while maintaining accurate records and adhering to relevant regulations to provide a seamless and positive experience for clients.

Question #2: How do these solutions streamline the eligibility determination process?

Eligibility and enrollment solutions, especially those from specialized contact centers like SaviLinx, enhance the efficiency and accuracy of the eligibility determination process through a blend of integrated technologies and streamlined strategies. These systems facilitate real-time data verification and updates, reducing errors and speeding up the process. Automation is a critical component, enabling rapid data analysis to ascertain eligibility, which allows human agents to focus on complex or personalized interactions. Advanced software and databases are employed to cross-reference eligibility criteria, ensuring precise determinations accurately. The process is designed to be efficient and user-friendly, with simplified forms and interfaces that enhance the customer experience and facilitate understanding. For programs with intricate eligibility requirements, these solutions clarify and expedite the process, which is crucial in ensuring a positive client experience. In call centers, agent duties are optimized with the right tools and training to quickly evaluate eligibility and assist with enrollment while maintaining accurate records and compliance with relevant regulations. SaviLinx’ solutions not only streamline customers’ eligibility and enrollment process but also bolster the operational effectiveness of the organizations offering these services.

Question #3: How do these services handle data privacy and security?

Eligibility and enrollment services, particularly in contact centers like SaviLinx, prioritize data privacy and security due to the sensitive nature of the information they manage. These services employ rigorous security protocols, ensuring secure data transmission, encrypted storage, and perform regular security audits to uphold data integrity and confidentiality. Access to sensitive information is tightly controlled, allowing only authorized personnel to handle customer data and adhering to stringent data protection laws such as HIPAA in healthcare. Advanced security measures are integrated into systems for eligibility enrollment to safeguard against cyber threats, alongside customer-focused privacy safeguards like secure portals and transparent privacy policies. Additionally, call center agents receive extensive data security and privacy training, ensuring they understand the significance of protecting customer information and comply with relevant data protection regulations. This comprehensive approach to data security in eligibility and enrollment services underscores a commitment to maintaining customer trust and upholding stringent security standards in all data-related processes.

Question #4: How do these services improve the accuracy of eligibility determinations?

Eligibility and enrollment services enhance the precision of eligibility determinations using advanced technology and meticulous verification processes. Centers, like SaviLinx, deploy sophisticated software that cross-references data against multiple criteria, minimizing errors. Automated verification processes ensure that personal information is consistently accurate while experienced professionals meticulously review eligibility assessments to align with program standards. Continuous training equips call center agents with up-to-date knowledge of policies and regulations, aiding in accurate eligibility assessments. Integrated checks during customer enrollment validate information, ensuring its correctness. The procedures are thorough and detail-oriented, especially in programs with strict eligibility criteria, aiming to eliminate inaccuracies. Call center agents ensure data precision, maintain detailed records, and verify applicant information. Quality assurance practices like audits and feedback mechanisms are in place to continually refine the accuracy of eligibility determinations. This comprehensive approach ensures that eligibility and enrollment services are reliable, compliant, and practical, enhancing these essential processes’ service quality and trustworthiness.

Question #5: What future advancements are expected in eligibility and enrollment technology?

The future of eligibility and enrollment technology promises significant advancements to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and user experience. Artificial intelligence is set to revolutionize these processes, with AI algorithms analyzing data to improve speed and precision in eligibility determinations. Enhanced automation will likely streamline operations further, reducing manual intervention and expediting the verification process. Integrating comprehensive platforms could offer all-encompassing solutions for users, simplifying the journey from application to approval. Blockchain technology can bolster data security and transparency, ensuring a verifiable record of transactions and decisions. Personalization will become more pronounced, with technology offering tailored experiences through interactive guides and customized interfaces. Advanced analytics and machine learning could refine program eligibility assessment, optimize resource distribution, and predict trends. Call center roles will evolve, with agents leveraging AI-enhanced tools for better efficiency and focusing on complex interactions and personalized support. These technological evolutions will redefine eligibility and enrollment services, making them more integrated, secure, and user-centric while reshaping call center dynamics to prioritize value-added human interaction.

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