Factors Driving Job Growth in Maine

Survey sheds light on what drives companies to create jobs in Maine

An article in the Portland Press Herald focuses on results from a survey to discover what factors drive businesses to create jobs in Maine. Quoted in the piece is SaviLinx’s CEO, Heather Blease:

Another example is SaviLinx in Brunswick, a two-year-old call center for government contracts and services. It has ramped up fast with 130 employees. Those jobs can’t exist without high-speed Internet, making broadband service the top value for the company’s president.

“Although we are hampered by high where can i buy cheap clomid energy costs in Maine, the primary driver for job creation at SaviLinx is the availability of a skilled and loyal workforce,” said Heather Blease. “Excellent and redundant Internet connections (also) are essential for our operation.”

SaviLinx benefits from its location at Brunswick Landing, the business campus at the former Brunswick Naval Air Station. The campus and its new TechPlace incubator space and Topsham Commerce Park has a total of 570 employees at more than 50 work sites.


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