Rethink your contact center approach

Video: SaviLinx Founder Heather D. Blease shares her insight on how government agencies and businesses can take a new look at their contact center

Hi. I’m Heather Blease, founder and CEO of SaviLinx. Let’s talk about rethinking your contact center approach.

When people make a call to a company or a state or federal government agency, they’re not calling just to say hello. They’re calling because they have a problem.

It’s unusual these days to make a call and actually have a person pick up the phone. When it comes to AI, you know, it’s here to stay and a critical need for people to reach another human being. By the time a person has navigated through AI, and has not resolved their problem, that’s when they really need to make a connection with another human being.

We have some contracts where people are waiting on a paid family and medical leave check. They need it for groceries for electric bills and if there’s an issue or problem, it’s emotional, you know, they need to be able to speak with somebody that’s going to be empathetic and provide answers.

That relationship between the caller and the agent will make or break the experience and the loyalty of the caller. It’s an opportunity to lose a customer or gain a loyal customer. So it’s critically important.

Someone’s enters in the phone conversation highly frustrated, you can hear it in their voice and then hear the de-escalation happening, “I understand your problem,” and eventually resolving the problem. The weight that’s lifted off the collar – you can you feel it. What came in heavy ends light and thankful because they leave the call with gratitude and smiles. It’s highly emotional.

It’s the human connection, the human experience really. The way you connect with your customers is going to make or break those relationships. It’s time to rethink how you connect and make sure that you are providing the experience of a lifetime for those clients. I’d love to learn more about your needs. Give me a call.

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