SaviLinx 1 of 21 featured companies creating jobs in Maine

SaviLinx 1 of 21 featured companies creating jobs in Maine

Profiles of 21 companies creating jobs in Maine




What: Call center for federal government contracts and services

Jobs: 130 workers. Plans to hire 120 this year.

Top concern: High-speed Internet

Good to know: Business model linked to access to U.S. Small Business Administration programs that favor contracts with woman-owned firms and those at closed military bases (Brunswick Naval Air Station)

Key comment from Heather Blease, president and CEO: “The quality of life in Maine is stellar and I believe we are still able to attract top talent to our company, buy clomid reviews because it’s such a great place to live. The aging workforce in Maine works to our benefit, as our jobs are a great fit for our mature workforce.

“As a startup, I feel that the state could do more to help fund early stage companies. Funding sources are fractured and tend to be pigeon-holed by specific industry segments. It is difficult to navigate through various programs to find the job-creation incentives or potential funding sources that are essential for early stage companies.”

Read about the other 20 companies here.


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